Frequently Asked
Q: I’m nervous about speed dating. What if someone dodgy shows up?
A: Don’t be. Rest assured that everyone in that room is in the same situation you are in. The event takes place in a public bar or café (no dodgy side streets or dark alleyway) and is facilitated at all times. Think about it like going for a date with a chaperone. We only give out your email addresses to each other if there is a mutual match, so rest assured you will probably never see that person again if you don’t want to!
Q: I don’t really want to attend an event if there isn’t an even men:women ratio.
A: Our events usually attract an even mix of men and women, so be assured there will be a good even mix.
Q: I see you offer a free drink at your event but I don’t drink…..
A: The free drink can be substituted for a non-alcoholic beverage so it will not be a problem
Q: How should I dress for the event? I have absolutely nothing to wear!
A: You’re welcome to wear anything you feel comfortable in as long as it fits in the ‘smart casual’ category. Don’t overdress, but you may end up meeting The One so make sure you dress in such a manner that he/she doesn’t become The-One-Who-Could-Have-Been ;)